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Date:Aug 28, 2018  |  Click:

Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).

HSK Speaking Test (HSKK)

HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities. HSKK consists of three levels, HSKK (Primary level), HSKK (Intermediate level) and HSKK (Advanced level). HSKK is conducted in the form of audio recording.

Business Chinese Test

Business Chinese Test (BCT), an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities to use the Chinese language in real business or common working environments. BCT is divided into writing and oral tests, which are independent to each other. The writing test consists of two levels, namely, BCT (A) and BCT (B). BCTOral iBTare Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and conducted via Internet.

    More details:http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do

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